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Sunday, June 8, 2008

POSSIBLE of Global SLOW DOWN in economy.

In the recent higher crude oil price hit at near US$139 per barrel during Friday NYMEX trading , also there is a number of anlaysts put up their target for this year end at US$150 per barrel.

What have done is been done, American President George W. Bush have asked Saudi King to produce more crude Oil output for second time but the King disagree to increase oil output, the reason for his disagree are market having enough oil supply, maybe he are refering the 1971 oil crisis that don't even had any oil supply to oil consumer countries. Some believe Saudi have reach it Oil peak. (What is oil Peak? please check " Hubbert peak theory ")

Some of the country Govt. have subsidize the cost of higher oil price by using govt.'s extra fund that are ended up exhaused their fund that the Govt. forced to remove subsidize so sudden and so large amount that might put the their economy at halt.

All this is cause by lack of putting more interest in alternative Enegry investment and Research in Govt. level in the previous time, why I said it in this way? look country like Brazil is a sucessful country that make full used of sugar cane to convert to Ethanol fuel for so many years. So this is the country that you can put more money in for investing in the coming future. Why Brazil used only sugar cane not other crops to do it? That's is because Sugar cane can have the best yield in getting higher percentage of alcohol that are useable in modern combustion engine that are unlike corn is a lousy crops for yielding Ethanol fuel, that's is why American can't push whole nation wide to use more crops yielded Ethanol fuel, also America is not a suitable place to crops sugar cane that unlike Brazil where the Sunlight, Temperature, water vapour and soil is most suitable for crops sugar cane, beside Brazil there is India the second suitable cropping sugar cane for Ethanol fuel. India might not be a great country to be invest why? because their country do have a bit of price control policy and they used more on crude oil. India Govt. not very good in managing matters, like setting a foreign company in India have to goes thru a number of Govt. sector for an apporval.

With the Global population is increasing there are things needed to be change for economy progress, might be a new economy evolution? example like modify genetic engineering crops... If the change not fast and aggressive would lead to a possible global down in economy, therefore a country wide expansion is not possible. What I really want to tell you is invest in Alternative Enegry is Not Guarantee if you really study in Depth you will food from your Reseach.

NOTE: World population is marching toward 7 billions in 2010. Exiting about 2.4 billions people upgraded to middle class to obtain a modern standard of living. (example China, India, Vietnam and others) What gonna to do with all this? population will drive the demand in everthings as human need to live with a modern standard of living.

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