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Monday, June 4, 2007

Stock List Earning per shares 04/07/2007.

This is my personal potential stock list to watch out for:-
The list of value are the estimated earning per shares for this year 2007, the actual value of EPS maybe hit low than the listed here.

Stock name ------EPS (estimated)
ASIA Water ------- 0.33
AMTEK ---------- 0.09
Beauty China ----- 0.09
Best World ------- 0.10
China Essence ---- 0.46
China Fish -------- 0.13
China Milk ------- 0.52
China Petrotech -- 0.05
DeLong ---------- 0.36
FerrorChina ----- 1.14 (Rmb)
Global Testing --- 0.02
HG Metal ------- 0.07
Ho Bee ---------- 0.28
Innovalues ------ 0.06
KS Enegry ------ 0.24
LongCheer ------ 0.12
People Food ----- 0.78
TPV ------------- 0.10
UTAC ----------- 0.09
YHI ------------- 0.05

NOTE: Buy at your own risk! If you buying base on the above listed the risk is in your own hand and you are the ownership!

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The information and analysis provided here does not constitute investment advice and the blog owner shall not be liable for any monetary losses or other material losses incurred as a result of using information from this blog.