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Monday, January 14, 2008

Another place to put your money at this time.

The US sub prime causing a credit crunch that force the Banks to sell their stock in the market, this may last for 6 month to 1 year time and is depend on the US govt. to take a very effective action to make their economic to go for a growth instead of recession.
I saw this DBS Enhanced income is growing day by day, is a good place to your money in for 6 month to 1 year time. Why 6 month to 1 year time? those bank's write off may will last until 6 month to 1 year time, as the write off is reduce or gone the market may start to have a turning point by that time the market may have a bull rally. This is depend on many other facts that add in to have a bull rally.
This is another place to think of. The DBS Enhanced Income.

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