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Monday, March 17, 2008

New York bridge is falling down! - US Dollar is falling..

By looking at this chart you will know US Dollar is falling and Japanese Yen is raising.
This will making more inflation to the world economy just because of cheap US Dollar in the near future, just don't forget those commodity product are priced in US$ and the buyers are from the country from the whole world because their currency is going up and up..they have a lot of saving to buy those commodity.

It look like Japan may head a recession, maybe to Japanese recession is not a big deal because they have went thru a very long recession since that burst of property bubble (that is 1989 time...) I can't image that one US Dollar can only buy 97 Japanese Yen (Forex Exchange rate on 17/03/2008) that can tell you Japanese goods are expensive. To those who are able to go to Japan for a tour that they are well loaded with cash. most of the people will start to thinking of buying US goods when US Dollar is falling to the lowest like 1.20 or 1.15?...who will know how low the Dollar will goes? can't tell.

There is a lot used of US Dollar in many products, like Oil, Gold, commodity, most of the country in the whole world their saving (reserves) are in US Dollars that is a lot..that are talking about 1/8 trillion or 1/2 China is ready having more than a Trillion in their reserves.
NOTE: US Dollar is a "reserves currency" that are commonly used in the world. There is noway for a Top billionair to manipulate US Dollar movement because it too huge for manipulate you are talking about a country level in controling the currecny that needed a few billions..unless a few central banks make-up together for invention the Forex market then the US Dollar will follow as their wish. if not they just don't like US Dollar like what some OPEC countries going to do about the US Dollar in the future (recent news only)...

Following day may will be happening because most of the US Banks, lenders and brokers going to report their earning in this week. so there will be a market meltdown again. This type of market only headed for selling only, good for short seller. I feel that 2nd Quarter of this year maybe is the bottom if US economy can really avoid the recession if not,...all the way down. that tell me something like Japan's property bubble during 1990's. now you can know it about how bad, just to get you the feel. What the US Fed can do is printing more and more US Dollar notes that what American said "Paper Dollar"....print more US Dollar note will cause the falling in currency Value and making other Foreign currency to rising...

American alway said "In God We Trust" let the God make the faith.

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