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Sunday, October 31, 2010

News:- Double Blow for American Oil Dependency Hopes


The last few days have seen a double blow to American hopes for reducing its heavy dependence on imported oil.

1st, on Tuesday the U.S. Geological Survey cut by 90% its estimate of the undiscovered hydrocarbon reserves beneath the National Petroleum Reserve on Alaska’s North Slope–the richest region for onshore oil production in the country.

2nd, one of the largest oil and gas producers in the American, Royal Dutch Shell, revealed that the Deepwater Horizon accident and subsequent drilling moratorium will significantly reduce for several years its oil output from the Gulf of Mexico–the richest offshore area in the American It also unveiled its third quarter results.

Already unrealistic hopes that the American could mitigate the profound economic and security implications of weaning itself off foreign oil by dramatically boosting domestic output are more remote than ever.

The news from Alaska is actually even worse than its seems on first reading. The USGS cut its oil reserve estimate for the NPRA from 10.6 billion barrels of oil to 896 million barrels, because new wells show that much of what was assumed to be oil reservoirs in fact contain gas, which has a lower energy content.

Of course, gas reserves have value, but their development can be very difficult to justify in such remote locations. Two major Alaska oil producers, ConocoPhillips and BP, have been debating for years how to monetize the huge gas reserves they hold in North Slope oil fields, but have so far failed to find an economic solution. Their plans to build a $35 billion pipeline to carry the gas to towns and cities in the lower 48 states are being reassessed and may never come to pass.

The reappraisal of the NPRA also raises questions about how much oil really lies beneath the perennial bargaining chip in the contest between environmentalism and energy security, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

On Thursday, Shell revealed that the moratorium on drilling imposed on the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster will have an impact on its ability to produce oil from the region for several years.

The company’s output is already 10,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) a day lower than it would have been without the moratorium, because it has been prevented from doing development drilling to boost output at existing fields. That shortfall will be at least 40,000 boe a day in 2011, a fall of 15% from the expected level, and could rise further because of anticipated delays in the issuance of new permits now that the moratorium has been lifted, said Shell’s Chief Financial Officer Simon Henry.

Other companies have yet to disclose whether they will also suffer a 15% cut in their potential production from the region, but everyone has suffered similar effects from the moratorium.

The impact of this on the American economy could be profound. The Gulf of Mexico produced 1.6 million barrels of oil a day in 2009, almost 30% of total American crude oil production.

Shell’s operations in Alaska have also taken a hit. Its plans to drill in the promising Beaufort Sea off Alaska’s north slope are on hold for at least 12 months after permits to drill this year were withdrawn after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Applications have been resubmitted, but the process may take longer than expected, Henry said.

Shell has not even resubmitted its even more contentious applications to drill in the neighboring Chukchi Sea.

The prospects of a dramatic boost in domestic American oil production look slimmer by the day. If the country is serious in its intention to wean itself off foreign oil, it’s time to switch the focus from billion-barrel reserves to miles per gallon.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is Vietnam Fund really a good bet?

It will be depend more on Vietnam Govt. to stop intervention of her currency then your Vietnam Fund will look good. Do you think you're smart? See below is a news article from Bloomberg.

Vietnam May Devalue Dong Twice in 2011, Credit Agricole Says

Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Vietnam’s dong is about 2 percent cheaper to buy in the black market than the rate banks pay and devaluations are likely in 2011 to bring the official exchange rate into line, according to Credit Agricole CIB.

The dong was trading at between 19,820 and 19,880 per dollar at money changers in Ho Chi Minh City this morning, according to a telephone information service run by state-owned Vietnam Posts & Telecommunications. The rate in the interbank market was 19,485 as of 9:35 a.m. in Hanoi. The Vietnamese central bank permits the currency to trade up to 3 percent on either side of its reference rate, currently set at 18,932.

Dollar liquidity has dried up because of the disparity between the official rate and market rate, forcing importers that need foreign exchange to buy euros instead, according to an Oct. 11 research note written by Dariusz Kowalczyk, a Hong Kong- based senior economist and strategist at Credit Agricole.

“The foreign-exchange market in Vietnam is distorted by all the regulations and by all the methods that companies are forced to use to circumvent them,” Kowalczyk said in a phone interview yesterday. “But the big picture point to make is that relatively soon after the last devaluation, the implied exchange rate is already 2 percent weaker than the official rate.”
Devaluations Coming
The last devaluation of 2 percent on Aug. 18 was “not large enough to balance the market,” Kowalczyk wrote in the note. The dong will probably be devalued by another 2 percent in February and by a further 3 percent in the northern hemisphere’s summer or autumn of 2011, bringing the official exchange rate to 20,500 per dollar, he wrote.

Vietnam’s inflation accelerated in September to 8.9 percent, the fastest in four months. The trade deficit widened to $1.05 billion in September from $395 million the previous month, according to preliminary General Statistics Office figures.
The currency’s weakness is being driven by Vietnam’s “large and persistent” trade deficit and by inflation, wrote Kowalczyk. The trade shortfall is putting “pressure on Vietnam’s balance of payments, requiring further devaluation in order to at least partially restore exports’ competitiveness,” he wrote.

We are now on the "currency war", every of the exporting country like to price cheaper in their currency. one good example is Vietnam and Vietnam Fund. You can see the different from there.

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